Saturday, December 15, 2007

Irish Dancing to lift you up!

The grace of Irish dancing would surely lift the spirit of anyone.

At this time of the year there are so many people who need cheering up, and I hope whoever hits on this blog will enjoy this little video and leave the blog with a smile.

Many people around the world have been inspired to take up Irish dancing and in one young girl's case, to championship level.
Read the article here -

AnneMarie - (Aine)
Ireland - Callan - Fashion Design Business

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Garden of Hope

During my visit to Ireland this weekend, I was delighted to come upon an article about The Garden of Hope. I had not heard of it before and was greatly impressed by the people who give up their time and some of their personal possessions, to give something back to society.

In this particular case The Garden of Hope is a charity project in Cape Town. The purpose of the charity is to help people in South Africa, who are living in unacceptable conditions to be moved into more sustainable communities.

People interested in giving up one month of their lives to help build a community should contact the Niall Mellon Township Trust, which is in Dublin. This is the link to their site -

Diarmuid Gavin has recently returned from helping the charity project and is noted to have said that the experience had a "profound and lasting effect on him".

With the newspapers and media as a whole, supplying us with a daily feed of negative news, it was a joy to read about this project and I am sure that from the seeds of this one, implemented by Niall Mellon, many more excellent, unselfish projects will flourish in time.

Ireland - Callan - Fashion Design Business

Monday, November 26, 2007

Irish Folk Music - Irish dance by Andre Rieu

Enjoy this wonderful piece of music today. If you are not smiling by the time it is over - well.... I won't believe it!


Ireland - Callan - Fashion Design Business

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nylon Stockings - Rush On Stock for all your legwear needs

Nylon Stockings were the cause, when ladies, including many from Ireland, made a stampede on a top New York store. For more details on this, please click ther following link -

It is general knowledge that in the past, many workmen in the building trade, wore nylon stockings under their work clothes to help keep the cold out and I wonder if that is still the case.

Apparently, milkmen also used to practice this form of keeping themselves warm on the cold freezing mornings, when delivering the milk bottles to the doorsteps.This may seem like a flippant subject but nylon stockings have in fact had many uses over the years and the main one, other than ladies normal wear, was that of being used for the temporary repair of a fan belt.

Ireland - Callan - Fashion Design Business

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Can Ireland Protect The Red Squirrels

A 2 week old squirrel, sleeping peacefully.
The environment minister of Ireland has plans to portect the red squirrel from its British grey cousin, according to Dublin (AFP) today.

What wonderful news!

Plans are afoot for a large proportion of them to be taken to a safe haven, away from the more aggressive grey squirrel.

The red squirrel is so beautiful and I am sure that there are many like me who also think the same.

I am just so happy about this news and it is incredibly strange because many years ago I knitted and sold several sweaters with red squirrels on. Now I am going to bring them back. If anyone reading this is interested, please let me know so that I can find out if there will be a market for them in Ireland, at the very least.

While I was in America and Canada, I was absolutely fascinated by the black squirrels which I saw there but I have never seen a red squirrel and apparently there are over 40,000 in Ireland.

Ireland - Callan - Fashion

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Secrets to Start A Fashion Design Business eBook is live, at long last!

I finished the Secrets to Start A Fashion Design Business eBook on Saturday night!

I have to tell you what it was like because it was so incredible.

For nearly two years, I have been getting all the information together for this eBook, plus writing two other eBooks and also a chapter in yet another eBook, which is being sold all over the internet.

To go with writing the eBooks, there was all the learning on how to set up websites to let everyone know about them. The hosting, autoresponders, search engine optimisation, cover graphics, marketing and a million other areas involved with working online. Last time I counted, I had more than 12 websites and blogs!!

I did all this, as well as redecorate my house throughout, put it on the market to sell and then move over to Spain. In the nearly ten months of living in Spain, I have had a wonderful time making new friends and spending time with my family, plus all the above.

Now why am I telling you all of this?

Because I just could not believe what happened last Saturday night when I finished. As soon as I said it was done, I sat down to a family meal prepared by my son and his girlfriend. Fresh fish, red and green peppers and tomatoes with special potatoes. The meal looked wonderful and a glass of wine was handed to me.

Then, my body went into the most complete and utter exhaustive state.

It was so amazing. I could hardly eat my meal. All enegry had drained from my body completely and I felt like a 90 year old. Frail and utterly exhausted.

Thank goodness for a good sleep, that's all I can say!

Now the time has arrived for me to help everyone who wants to own their own fashion business to become successful - that's my next goal!

I've most likely mentioned somewhere on my blog, my favourite motto is ...
"If you think it, you can do it!"
If you, or anyone you know wants to start a fashion design business - get the free report or even go directly to the page by clicking here now.

Do you think I am determined? I've decided that I am and I think it is my Irish blood! -
anyway I like to think that is why!

I'm off to Ireland in a couple of weeks and that is going to be just wonderful. Can't wait.

To all your successes.

Ireland - Callan - Fashion Design Business

Monday, October 29, 2007

Irish Clothing for style and comfort

How I miss the wonderful feel and cut of an Irish tweed jacket.

I have actually gone one which needs to be relined, so that is going on my list of things to do.

One thing everyone outside of Ireland talks about is the way the Irish women dress in Dublin. They have such class and style which is down to the designers of Irish clothing.

Sadly in other countries women have relaxed their efforts in dressing and resort to wearing sloppy clothing for comfort. Thankfully the sweat top and pants are hardly ever seen around now because in the majority of cases, they were a sight for sore eyes!

I wonder if this is why our dieting habits have changed, to fit into the sloppy clothing? That is certainly food for thought.

Men are just as bad, bless them. How often do we see a smartly dressed man, other than in a city? A lot of people may say that it is not practicle but I remember when my Da used to go outside. He would never go out without a jacket and a tie. Even when he went fishing, he wore a jacket and tie! His shoes were always gleaming with polish. Nice memories!

This season sees the return of classic fitted clothing and hopefully will encourage a lot of us to start taking pride again in how we present ourselves to the outside world. The latest fashion of today remind me very much of the classical style of the 1960's fashion.

If you have ever thought about designing clothes, look to the Irish clothing market for inspiration.

You can start a clothing business
Ireland - Callan - Fashion - Irish Clothing

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Famous Fashion Designers - Paul Costello

Irish designer, Paul Costello, one of the famous fashion designers to today, has produced a fantastic season of designs which is reminiscent of the sixties. Aline skirts, structured coats and suits, all beautifully tailored.

If you would like to have more information on Paul and his career, then I suggest you go to the following link because there is an enormous amount of information there.

Also, if you would like to become one of the famous fashion designers of the future yourself, what are you going to do to get started? Anyone can own their own fashion design business, if they really want to and they can start from their own kitchen table too. To say that it's easy, is an understatement because if you have the desire to do it, you can. Believe me!

AnneMarie - Fashion Design Business

Monday, August 27, 2007

Pictures of Kittens - America - Fashion - Tenacity

You're probably wondering what pictures of kittens and America have to do with each other. Well the fact is, an enormous amount. That event which happened on my first visit to beautiful Scotland, has led to everything else I have done, including writing this blog - click here to get the complete story

Just like everyone, I thank God that I have been blessed with a positive outlook in life.

Determination and tenacity are qualities which we all have in abundance but, sometimes they get drown by the enormity of other depressing pressures.

That is when having a sense of humour is also a blessing. Pictures of kittens ...

Pictures of Kittens - America
Ireland - Callan - Fashion Design Business

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Man Made Diamonds Jewelry Designs in Ireland

Man Made Diamonds being distributed out of Ireland globally may be a thing of the past if the route from the Shannon to Heathrow is stopped.

Surely the fact that 600 jobs from Element Six alone, are at risk in such a small region has to be given some serious consideration. Thi
s company, formerly De Beers Industrial Diamonds, has employed people in the Shannon area for the last 45 years. This is not to forget the other companies who have also sweated long hours to keep their business afloat in the Shannon area.

How often would they have used this airline route for their distribution services?

The company has been very successful over the years, has brought prosperity to the area and always looking to the future of expanding their Man Made Diamonds business. Now if an alternative is not found, what stress that is going to put on the companies finances.

For more information on man made diamonds - click here.

The move follows the decision of the airline to end the daily route and switch it, instead, to Belfast!

Fine, the route may not be making the money the airline needs to cover the costs at this moment, but how much money has the Man Made Diamonds industry brought into the Shannon area for the airlines in the first place? Have they not heard of a cash forecast?

Ireland - Callan

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Callan Art - James Joseph Callan

This is a strange request for me to put on my blog, so please bear with me.

My father, James Joseph Callan, was a Slade trained artist who died in 1976. He had exhibited in many places in Ireland and sold numerous of his paintings worldwide.

I am now doing research to find some of his paintings so that I can get a collection together.

Within the family we have approximately fourteen and it would be wonderful to see some more of his work. Unfortunately all the documentation was destroyed after his death, otherwise the National Library in Dublin were set to catalogue his work.

Towards the end of his life he specialised in minature art with fine art details as well as larger fine art paintings.

If you know anyone who has a James Joseph Callan (JJ Callan) piece of art, please get in touch with me at You can't imagine how grateful I would be! Even to have a sighting of one of his pieces in a public place, ie corporate or hotel etc, would be wonderful.

Thank you, in advance!

AnneMarie (Aine) Callan

Ireland - Callan

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fall In House Prices - Ireland

Help with debt problems will be required by millions if the following is true:-

A fall in house prices in Ireland have been predicted by the Economic and Social Research Institute. Professor Morgan Kelly, UCD academic has indicated that house prices could drop by approximately 60% in Ireland, if a pattern he has found in other countries is repeated.

Since 1970, he has researched almost 40 house price booms and crashes on OECD economies and indicated that that the larger the initial boom is, the larger the eventual bust will be.

There is an obvious concern that in view of the fact that the house building industry is paramount to the financial industry in Ireland, this will have a very negative effect.

Debts will start to rise again, just as they did in the early 1990's, due to the collaspe of house prices. People have suffered for many years since then and entirely because of that situation.

Therefore, rather than wait for the consecquences of this, please take a look at the FREE REPORT on Debts-Challenge and get Help With Debt Problem (s) NOW ...

Ireland - Callan

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Callan - Art

Callan - James Joseph

James Joseph Callan was a Slade trained Artist from Dublin who eventually specialised in minature oil and watercolour paintings of Ireland. His paintings were very detailed and precise. He sold his paintings to many people throughout the world as well as through exhibitions at Trinity College Dublin.

As James Joseph Callan was my father, I am looking to find any of his paintings, so if anyone has one of his paintings, I would love to hear from you.

Ireland - Callan

Monday, June 25, 2007

Celtic Designs - The Book of Kells

The Book of Kells is a famous hand painted illustrated manuscript of the Gospels. It was prepared by monks around 800 AD on the Isle of Iona and then taken to Kells in County Meath by the monks who were fleeing from the Vikings.

Today it has pride of place in the old library of Trinity College Dublin where each day one page is turned for the public to enjoy. The Book of Kells attracts tourists from all over the world.

My designs were inspired by The Book of Kells and just recently I have an inclination to return to these designs again.

If you have read some of my previous blogs, you will know that I am a great believer in ...

If You Think It, You Can Do It!

Sometimes people get into a rut and make excuses for not doing what they are capable of doing. They make the excuse of - 'They can't afford it, they can't get childminders, they would not know where to start, etc. etc." The list could go on indefinitely and then they reach the ripe old of forty plus, not having lived any of their dreams, just excuses!

All you really have to do, is picture yourself achieving your dreams and putting some action into actually doing something towards them! It's that simple. For many people , they need a little help and direction. If that is the case with you, then have a look at this site to see if it is what you have been looking for to live your own dreams.
Not only have I read it but I also had the tape for many years.
One particular sentence I love is ..."I Will Not Be Denied"

Ireland - AnneMarie Callan

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ireland - Irish Writers - Bill Cullen

Have you read Bill Cullen's - 'It's A Long Way From Penny Apples.

If not, I really suggest you go and get it right now. I've even put a link and you can buy a second hand copy if you want, which is much cheaper than a new copy. Either way, you will definitely love it.

If you are like me and no longer live in Dublin, then memories of Dublin will come flooding back. Just the name of the street - the diving into the Liffey - Clontarf, all conjure up a wonderful memory of life in Dublin.

We have many great writers listed from Ireland and this is definitely a book which I think will be on the shelves for many years to come. I look forward to Bill Cullen bringing out more books.

On a different subject, last night I had a call from someone who was commenting on my celtic designs. I'll chat about that tomorrow.

Ireland - Fashion Design Business

Friday, June 22, 2007

Ireland - X Factor - Success

Louis Walsh returns to 'The X Factor'
(Friday, June 22 2007, 10:35 BST - By Nick Levine, Entertainment Reporter)

Louis Walsh is to return to The X Factor as a replacement for Brian Friedman.

The 54-year-old Irishman lost his place on the TV singing contest's judging panel in March, but has been reinstated after Friedman asked Simon Cowell to change his role on the show.

Walsh pledged not to hold a grudge, saying: “In spite of all the bantering, I have continued to have a good working relationship with Simon, ITV and the show’s producers and I am thrilled to be asked back on the show."

Read the full article here =

How could they not have him back? There has to be a balance and much as we all love/hate Simon, the two of them together are great.

Everybody needs to follow their dreams and with this team, the opportunities are great for those who put put themselves out there, doing that extra mile. If you feel that you have a 'yet to be released' dream, Click The Link Below - within no time you will be living your own dream too.

Ireland - Callan

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fashion Magazines

CLICK HERE for Fashion Magazines Direct

You can get every magazine you would want for your fashion business and delivered direct to your door anywhere in the world.

Fashion Design Business - FREE REPORT
Ireland - Callan

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Entrepreneur Success Stories - Business - Ireland

Real-Life Case Study #1 — Robert Clark
See exactly how Robert Clark turned his $275 a week paycheck into a highly profitable online business that takes him only 2 hours each day to run... while earning him over $250,000 a year in profits!
Click here for more details...

Following was reported in BizWorld - Small businesses optimistic for the year.

A total 50pc of companies in the Republic of Ireland expect their business prospects to improve in the year ahead and a further 30pc believe their business performance will remain the same, according to the first all-island survey among businesses with up to 100 employees
The 'Ulster Bank Business Confidence Survey' carried out by independent researchers Amarach Consulting in April 2007, assessed how businesses felt their company performed in the last year and how they feel about the year ahead.

In the Republic of Ireland, of the 5 in 10 companies expecting to achieve a stronger performance in the next year, over 20pc expect this to be fuelled by more orders and enquiries, with a further 20pc planning on expansion to deliver the expected stronger performance.

Only 15pc of businesses believe their operation will not perform as well in the year ahead and 45pc of these said their main concern was competition.

Only 15pc of businesses believe their operation will not perform as well in the year ahead and 45pc of these said their main concern was competition.

What does this report tell us? For me, the answer is that there will always be entrepreneur success stories - because of the determination of people who want to succeed in business and even earning money at home.

However, having said that, sadly there is an unsavoury element in the business world who use every - so called - 'business' opportunity they can to 'steal' from the business they profess to own and then put that same business into liquidation! These people invariably go on to repeat this at every opportunity.

It is therefore important that the genuine people who want to own their own business keep focussed and enlightened with all the entrepreneur success stories they can read.

Ireland - Callan

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ways To Make A Lot Of Money - Bill Cullen

Ways to make a lot of money are explaind in Bill Cullen's number one bestseller - 'It's A Long Way From Penny Apples'.

This is a really interesting read, telling the story of his childhood in Dublin. I'm only half way through it as I can only spent about thirty minutes a day reading but really look forward to reading the next stage of his story.

The book is also quite heart breaking in places, such as reading about the famine. How the Irish people were thrown out of their homes, left dying at the sides of the streets through starvation, whilst other healthy produce was shipped out of Ireland - to England!

This guy went from a poverty childhood to building a business worth over £250 million. He has been very generous with helping and supporting many because of this.

Highly recommend you read this book, as one minute you are reading a true life fiction story mingled with the history of Dublin, life in the 1950's onwards and the ways to make a lot of money even at that time.

I found it very strange, as he and I are only a few years apart, lived just within a few miles of each other, I even went to school in the heart of Dublin, yet our childhoods were miles apart in respect of the material advantages we lived with.

Ireland - Callan