Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fall In House Prices - Ireland

Help with debt problems will be required by millions if the following is true:-

A fall in house prices in Ireland have been predicted by the Economic and Social Research Institute. Professor Morgan Kelly, UCD academic has indicated that house prices could drop by approximately 60% in Ireland, if a pattern he has found in other countries is repeated.

Since 1970, he has researched almost 40 house price booms and crashes on OECD economies and indicated that that the larger the initial boom is, the larger the eventual bust will be.

There is an obvious concern that in view of the fact that the house building industry is paramount to the financial industry in Ireland, this will have a very negative effect.

Debts will start to rise again, just as they did in the early 1990's, due to the collaspe of house prices. People have suffered for many years since then and entirely because of that situation.

Therefore, rather than wait for the consecquences of this, please take a look at the FREE REPORT on Debts-Challenge and get Help With Debt Problem (s) NOW ...

Ireland - Callan

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