Monday, December 11, 2006

Handknitted Irish Aran Knitwear

Aran Handknitting
With this really cold weather now upon us, it's time to consider getting yourself a wonderful handknitted aran sweater. These aran sweaters are lovingly hand knitted by Irish ladies in their own homes.

Normally they take about six weeks to complete but today I've just had the good news that one of my customers will be getting theirs much earlier than expected.

They haven't selected the usual natural colour but instead a grey one. I personally love the natural arans but most of all I love the arans which are knitted with such pride and care in Ireland.

I've had some other aran sweaters knitted outside Ireland and there is no comparison in the quality of the finished garment.

Why don't you think about getting one for yourself. They're so warm and they'll last for years - in fact they're the sort of garment which can be handed down in the family - what a lovely thought! Your own heirloom.

Ireland - Callan


Monday, September 11, 2006

Irish Interest Rates - Will They Increase Again?

Fear of an interest rate rise has meant that many people have gone without their normal holiday this summer.

The Irish Central Bank is also concerned about the possibility of higher debt costs and the potential collapse of the building construction industry, should an interest rates increase be imminent. The rate has already been increased four times since December 2005 by a total of 1 percent.

Ireland's property boom has enabled 77% of Irish homes to be owner-occupied. However, the Irish Central Bank has discussed the prospect of house prices falling due to the acceleration in price inflation which may have had the effect of an over valuation in house prices.

Ireland has generous tax incentives for property owners, as Britain did before the 1989 changes which lead to the worst recession for many years. In Ireland, a purchaser is allocated a deduction in their taxes for the mortgage interest they pay. Also they don't pay property or capital gains tax on the sale of their homes, provided they are owner occupied.

However mortgage debt has soared in Ireland. It is now estimated to be approximately110 percent of disposable income which is a rise of over 50% since the 46 percent in 1998.

The thought of the stress of dealing with negative equity and repossessions has led to the following eBook being produced by Aine Callan, who has first hand experience of living through the effects of the 1989 property downfall in the UK.

'How to Survive Your Debt and Live a Fun-filled Live Within Days'
You can obtain a FREE Report at

Ireland - Callan

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Waterford Crystal from Ireland

The light glistens through the crystal like rays of diamonds as you caress it in your hands. Pinging your finger gently against the side of the crystal encompasses a feeling of sheer luxury. Oh! To own the whole set of the new beautiful Waterford Crystal design.

It’s the Waterford ® Dolmen Suite
A new suite, sublimely Irish, rich in ancestry, commemorates the massive rocks that mark the graves of ancient Celtic ancestors.

What a wonderful description of this new design.

Following is a brief history about Waterford Crystal …

Waterford Crystal is a trademark brand of crystal glassware produced in Waterford, Ireland, by the company Waterford Wedgwood plc. A crystal business was originally founded in the city in 1793 by George and William Penrose, it produced extremely fine crystal that became world-renowned.

However, their company later closed, reportedly due to excessive taxation of the product. In 1947, Czech immigrant Charles Bacik established a glass works in the city, due to the superb reputation of the original glassware. Aided by fellow countryman and designer Miroslav Havel, the company started operations in a depressed Ireland, by the early 1950's it had been taken over by Irish management.

In May 2005, Waterford Wedgwood announced the closure of its factory in Dungarvan in order to base all operations in the main factory in Kilbarry, Waterford City, where 1,000 people are employed by the company. The move resulted in nearly 500 Dungarvan workers losing their jobs. The Kilbarry operation features a tourist centre offering guided tours of the factory, a gift shop, cafe, and gallery.

If ever you go to Ireland, you must visit the home of the Beautiful Irish Crystal in Waterford - in the meantime, have a look at the catalogue at the range.

Ireland - Callan

Saturday, July 15, 2006

People from Ireland are Moving to Spain

Click here to see a Beautiful Spanish Villa!
Thousands of people are moving to Spain and you can't blame them because it is a fantastic country where the sun always seems to be shining down on the beautiful mountains and the glorious blue sea.

The Spanish people are very friendly and the Spanish food is just out of this world with wonderful tapas, fresh fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, which line the roads.
The colour of the oranges, lemons and limes are a picture to behold as you drive from the airport into the various regions of Spain.

I wish they would make these Beautiful Spanish Villas in Ireland!If you are looking for a property in Spain, have a look at this site. It has fantastic views and is build to a very high specification.

Bye for now – Enjoy.
Ireland - Callan

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Bono - U2 and his video

Bono, of Ireland's band U2, has posted a question on on the internet - Yahoo Answers.

What can we do to make poverty history?

Bono stated words to the effect that because of people like us, the world’s richest countries leaders had a meeting in July 2005 and made several notable promises to help end the needless killing of 9,000 people a day in Africa, entirely because of extreme poverty. The fact that an entire continent and, most of all, the lives of millions of people are in jeopardy through this needless situation, we have to give our support.

Why not go to Bono's video watch it and leave a comment on your views.

Millions may die just because of poverty - is that fair?

Ireland - Callan

Friday, July 07, 2006

Aer Lingus Moving Toward Public Float.

Ireland’s national airline, Aer Lingus is being considered by the Irish government for flotation. The Irish Transport Minister, Martin Cullen believes that, in order that the government can block any potential foreign takeover in the future, that Ireland should retain more over 20% of the shares.

In the Dail, Ireland’s parliament, a debate is taking place with regard to the exact number of shares to be offered to the Irish and United Kingdom exchanges.

I, for one, hope Martin Cullen’s points are given serious consideration. How ridiculous it would be for Ireland’s national airline to be taken over by another country. Would it happen to British Airways?

What is your view?

Ireland - Callan

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Kiss!!

Have you heard of 'The Gift of the Gab'?

Irish people have been known to be able to communicate with people of all class due to their inherent eloquence. If you would like to be able to enjoy this gift, there is a way! All you have to do is visit Blarney Castle, locate the Blarney Stone and kiss it. That’s all!

However, in order to kiss it, you have to lean backwards and at the same time hold onto an iron railing, from the parapet walk.

There are many theories of how the stone came to be. One of these stories is that it was mentioned in the Bible as 'Jacob's Pillow' and was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah the Prophet, either way, tradition has it that once kissed the stone bestows the gift of eloquence.

So it is well worth a visit to the Blarney Castle for a kiss! Don't you think?

If you have kissed the Blarney Stone, please leave a comment and share it with us.

Ireland - Callan

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Holidaying in Ireland

With this fabulous weather we are having here in the UK, it makes me wish I was back in Ireland. Back in Kells by the river with my father fishing, mother relaxing with her friends and all us children paddling with our fishing nets.

My greatest wish is to spend some time in Ireland, sitting quietly, catching the beauty and sketching my potential paintings. We all have a dream to fulfil, don't you think?

If your dream is connected with Ireland, why not share it with us and leave a comment.

Bye for now


Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Book of Kells

Now that the weather is changing and we are all thinking of holidays, you might be considering a trip to Ireland. The welcome you will get in Ireland is quite unique, something everyone should experience at some time in their lives.

If you get the change, do visit Trinity College in Dublin. It houses the Book of Kells.

The Book of Kells is an hand painted illustrated manuscript of the four gospels, of the Bible in Latin. It was produced by celtic monks between 600 and 800 AD. with numerous colourful illustrations and illuminations. It's on permanent display at the Trinity College Library, where it is catalogued as MS 58.

It is amazing how the Book of Kells has inspired so many people over the years in different artistic mediums. For myself, it inspired some of my knitwear designs. Trinity College is also a place where my father exhibited his art. He was a Slade trained artist and specialised in minature detailed art of Ireland.

If anyone owns any of his paintings, I would love to know. His name was James Joseph Callan.

AnneMarie Callan

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Fantastic learning curve!

Almost there!!

The Free Report on Fashion
will be ready within days.

Email for a free copy

My ebook should be ready sometime in April (2006!)

I have been working like a trojan for months now and at long last, am beginning to see the end of it. However, or should I say 'but', it has been the most mammoth task I have taken upon myself for years.

Writing the book was the easy part because it's all from my own experiences. Putting everything in place with regard to all the 'techie' stuff has been a nightmare!! Do you realise how many processes you have to go into to put something online?

It has been almost a year, and probably will be, by the time I get the book 'live'. That's a year of complete social neglect. Every free hour has been spent finding my way around all the various processes.

One of the benefits has been that I have learned an enormous amount. It has been a fantastic opportunity and I have loved every minutes (well almost every!) of it. Perhaps that will be my next book - who knows!!

Ireland Callan Fashion Design

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Aran Knitwear Special Offer for Easter

If you have ever fancied yourself wearing one of Irelands beautiful hand knitted Aran sweaters or jackets. you may want to consider getting yourself one now as I have a Special Offer on until Easter. Click the photo on the right and it will take you direct to the sales page, then just email me at or so that I have let you know how much you will save.
They are amazing garments. They're warm, cosy, attractive, smart and a garment you would be really proud to own.
Plus they will last you for many years so it is a great investment and, guess what, you'll even be able to pass it down to the next generation. In their own way, they're heirlooms.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ireland and 'The Luck of the Irish'

Who has not heard that saying? Yesterday at Twickenham, UK, Ireland won the Triple Crown in the great sport of rugby – in the final 99 seconds by Shane Horgan.

I down tools to watch the game on Saturday. It was an amazing and nerve wrecking game throughout. Both sides took it in turn to lead the match and just when it looked like England were going to win, Brian O’Driscoll, in fighting spirit, make a break down the right, he passed to Shane Horgan who determinedly steaked to bring the ball just pass the line and into victory for Ireland.

Just brilliant!!

And this was after Ireland had won the Cheltenham's Triple Crown due to the brilliant ride by Conor O'Dwyer riding War of Attrition. The Gold Cup was presented to the trainer Mouse Morris and owner Michael O'Leary.

Irish horses came second and third as well.

National Hunt Racing UK Banner

What a great week for the Irish!
Oh! By the way, did I mention that I am Irish too!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Unique Irish Aran Knitwear

If you want a warm, comfortable, classic and unique knitted garment to wear at the weekends or during those cool evening walks, you would not go wrong by investing in one of Ireland’s traditional hand knitted Aran sweaters or jackets.

They are so distinctive and attractive that they always command complementary comments whenever you wear one. The aran sweater is knitted in many distinctive patterns. Some of these patterns have a traditional interpretation and these are often of a religious significance.

For instance:
There is the honeycomb design which is represented as a symbol of the hard working bee.
The cable, an integral part of the fisherman's daily life, is said to be a wish for safety and good luck when fishing.
The basket stitch represents the design fisherman's basket, a desire for a full catch.
Plaited or braided stitches represent the interweaving of life paths.
Diamonds represent the contours of the fishing net, and wealth and success.
The Moss stitch represents abundance and growth. It is often used within the diamonds pattern.

It is open to debate as to how accurate these meaning are. They are probably just myths about Aran knitwear and possibly have no historical significance but, either way how many other knitwear garments in the world have such interesting interpretations?

If you would like to see some of the beautiful Aran designs click the following link:-Beautiful Aran Knitwear to go direct to my webpage.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Details of my eBook

"How to Create Your Own Internation Fashion Business, even from your kitchen table."

It's getting nearer the time when my eBook will be ready to 'live'. If you'd like a Free Report on Fashion
contact me now

In my Book, you will find:
  • 27 niche fashion areas you could specialise in.
      You'll be given information on 27 niches you work in. There will be some you may never have considered but with all the details I have given, it may direct you to specialise in one of these niches.

  • 15 places you can find customers.
      You'll find information on the benefits and pitfalls of selling to 15 different places, most of which I have used.

  • 18 sections on dealing with the production.
      From protecting your designs to employing people, you will find all the information available within the pages of the eBook.

  • Advertising your fashion business.
      You'll find places you probably had not even thought of as well as information of how to go about getting free advertising!

  • The legal requirements.
      How to protect your business so that it grows successfully into a worldwide fashion business.

    That is just a tiny part of what is in the eBook. It will be a great help to anyone dreaming of owning their own business. I should know, because I lived my dream and now have put all the details into an easy to read eBook for you.

  • Saturday, February 25, 2006

    How to Raise Capital for Your Business

    If you're ready to GO with your business idea but are held back because of lack of funds, then just click here to find out how one person, who now owns several profitable businesses, started without using any of his own money.

    He shows you a simple step-by-step formula for locating those hard to find "Financial Angels" you've no doubt heard so much about. These "Angels" have extremely deep pockets and can offer a TON of cash for REAL workable ideas.

    To Learn How to Get All The Capital You Need In The Next 30 Days Or Less
    click here. It is an amazing read and could get you started sooner rather than later!

    The techniques in this little book will help you realise your own dreams and don't forget it's tax deductable - and with a guarantee. Go for it, it could get you started within a month.

    Loads of good luck.

    Wednesday, February 22, 2006

    Your Business Mission Statement

    Having a mission statement is very important to your success in business.
    It can be a paragraph, or a bulleted list, stating your specific business goals.

    For instance,
    What vision do you have for your business?
    Where do you want to take the business?
    Why do you want to build your business?
    Who is going to benefit from your success?
    What financial aims do your have for your business?

    Why do you need a Mission Statement?

    When you start building your business and while you are running it, other events will also be taking place in your life. These events could cloud you vision for your business and you could lose a lot of valuable time and thus motivation.

    By creating a Mission Statement, you have something tangible to focus on. It is an excellent idea to:-

    - Read your Mission Statement every morning and every evening.

    - Spend time each day visualising your eventual goals.

    - Keep a copy in your car and in your purse or wallet.

    - Never forget what you want to achieve.

    Sunday, February 05, 2006

    How You Can Have a Money Grabbing Store on eBay

    Amazing Ebay eBook Reveals How One Woman Made $11,212 A Month On Ebay--And How You Can Too!

    I have to recommend this eBook because I know you'll get loads of benefit from it.

    There are areas within the book which will really open your eyes as to how simple it is to get hold of the stock that this lady used.

    For the small amount the book costs, it's well worth the investment. Don't forget that you can take the cost off as a business expense and there's also a great guarantee with the book - so you can't go wrong.

    Tuesday, January 31, 2006

    Business Loans for your own business

    There will be loads of relevant information in my eBook about financing your business.

    Apart from going to a bank, there are many other ways of raising the funds to enable you to get started. Also, once you start your business, there are various ways of raising funds to move your business up to the next step.

    In my eBook, I will be explaining what techniques I used to ensure that I got the answer I wanted when I had my own appointments with the bank.

    I am aiming for the middle of March for the release.

    Why not send me an email so that I can put you on my list for the release information. As a special gift to you I will be sending everyone who gives me their email address with their first and last name, a free report.

    Friday, January 20, 2006

    A Motivational Saying

    One of my Favourite Sayings

    You are what you think
    All that you are - arises from your thoughts
    With your thoughts
    You make your world

    The Buddah

    I just love that saying and I'm always passing it on to people when they need a little motivation to move on with the next stage in their lives.

    Say it to yourself whenever you feel down - and you won't feel down for long! In fact, you will realise that you are totally in control of your own life.


    Thursday, January 19, 2006

    The Kitten Tunic

    Memories connected with my Kitten Tunic Design

    I sold it twice as I wore it!

    The first time was on a train journey to Scotland. I was on my way to exhibit at Aviemore in the middle of Scotland. It was the winter time and I decided to wear one of my samples to keep warm. A passanger approached me to ask where I had gotten the sweater, when I told them it was one of my own designs, they asked me there and then if they could buy the one I was wearing!!

    Needless to say, I offered to take an order instead.

    A few days later, while exhibiting at my stand, an American buyer wanted the kitten sample I was wearing, as well as placing a lovely large order.

    I guess the moral here is, if you create designs - wear them!!

    I have attached a photo of this design and if you are interested in one for yourself please contact me. This particular design is not on my website at the moment.

    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    Some Questions and Answers about Cashmere

    What is it like to wear cashmere?

    That depends on the quality of the cashmere.

    If you have ever been lucky enough to have worn both the high street budget quality and the luxury of the very best but expensive cashmere, you will feel the difference.

    There is no comparison. The feeling of the best high quality cashmere against your skin, is the most comforting feeling. And knowing that, with gentle hand washing, the garments is going to last you for many years to come.

    Wearing high quality cashmere also makes you feel very confident. You may have treated yourself or have had it given to you as gift, but either way, wearing your garments gives you a wonderful feeling of confidence. Confidence of knowing that you deserve to wear the very best.
    We all desire some luxury item every now and then in our lives. Some days it might be just a box of delicious chocolates, a bunch of your favourite flowers, jewellery etc. But to have at least one piece of the very best cashmere in your wardrobe, is sheer indulgence. Just stroking the silken feel garment while you are wearing it, is such a wonderful feeling of opulence.

    Why is the best quality cashmere so expensive?

    The answer is, because it takes one goat alone, four years to produce enough wool to make just one cashmere cardigan or sweater. Years ago, royalty were the only people who could afford to wear cashmere.

    Why are some cashmere cheaper than others?

    The most expensive cashmere is taken from the underbelly and the neck of the Kashmir goat. The fibres from these places is longer and this length is what makes for much softer wool and less "pilling" of the yarn when worn.

    The cheaper cashmeres are made from the shorter fibres, which are taken from the backs and legs. This yarn is less expensive and therefore can produce cheaper cashmere garments. However, it will not last as long nor will it wear as well as the best quality cashmere.
    © AnneMarie-Callan 2006

    Monday, January 16, 2006

    My Designs Inspired by "The Book of Kells"

    History of my "Book of Kells" Designs
    I created my Celtic theme designs approximately 20 years ago when I received a St Patrick’s Day card from my family in Ireland.

    Have a look now, if you like!

    At the time, I was living in London with my own family and had just started my business, designing knitwear. Even though people admired my samples, I felt there was something missing.

    Then the postcard arrived. On the front of the card was an old sword with Celtic designs depicted on it. As soon as I saw the card, I knew immediately that those designs were what I had been looking for.

    The strange thing is, I had had a dream a few days before which I could not understand and found it disturbing. In the dream someone had thrown me a gift of a potato! Then another, and finally a third potato! (Seriously!)

    Putting the card and the dream together, I realised that the potatoes represented my roots and the fact that there were definitely three – represented the Trinity, to me. Therefore, the St Patrick’s Day card was also relevant to my dream with its Celtic designs.

    I went on to create designs using this theme. Some days everything went brilliantly. The colours blending just as I had imagined. I was really thrilled and the adrenaline was scoring high. But other days, it was a nightmare. Mixing and matching yarns but never quite finding the correct blends of colours in the yarns.

    Knitting sample after sample, pieces of yarns across the floor and feelings of complete frustration.

    However, I did not give up and eventually I got it right. Right enough to command loads of orders, which were delivered to several countries around the world.

    People still buy them, because they have a history and because they are classic. My next step is to create more designs inspired by "The Book of Kells". Watch this space!

    Saturday, January 14, 2006

    Visiting Ireland

    Arriving in Dublin

    Flying into Dublin Airport on the national airline of Ireland, Aer Lingus, or any of the other international airlines - and then travelling a short journey, either by bus, taxi or hired car, will bring you into Dublin City, one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

    Dublin is the Capital City of Ireland. It has beauty in its’ architecture, from the Georgian houses to the modern Spire on O’Connells Street, the widest street in Europe - to its’ art and its’ literature.

    Another reason for visiting Dublin, are the people, both famous and infamous. During the last few years it has become very much a cosmopolitan city with the natural friendliness of the Irish people.

    Dublin is also well-known for its ownership of, "The Book of Kells", a famous hand painted illustrated manuscript of the Gospels, housed within the Old Library of Trinity College, Dublin. The manuscript dates back to 800 AD and is a national treasure. People travel worldwide to view the "Book of Kells".

    The river Liffey separates the Northside and Southside of Dublin. It rises near to Kippure, a mountain in South Wicklow and runs down to the Irish Sea in Dublin Bay.

    To the west of the city centre you will find Phoenix Park, the largest public park in the world. The park is ringed by a seven mile wall and it is where you will find Dublin Zoo, Aras an Uachtarain, the official residence of the President of Ireland, as well as many other visitor attractions.

    People love to spend long weekends in Dublin because of the fantastic shopping and the ‘crack’ – a word popularly used for the great social life in the City.

    Where ever you go in Dublin, you will see many signs in both Gaelic and English and one of the first signs you will see when you arrive is - Dublin or "Baile Atha Cliath" .

    Thursday, January 12, 2006

    Gifts from Ireland

    Beautiful Aran Knitwear

    The Aran sweater is a traditional garment of Ireland, a country, to the North West of Europe.

    If you owned an original hand knitted Aran sweater or jacket, you would be delighted!

    Why, you may ask yourself?


    • You'll enjoy years of wear with one of these beautiful hand knitted sweaters or jackets.
    • When you wear your aran knitwear, you'll have to be prepared for all the compliments you'll get.
    • You won't need to wear a heavy coat, when you're wearing your aran jacket.
    • You'll be able to wear your aran for many months of the year.

    Aran knitwear is hand knitted in a natural coloured, oiled yarn. The knitwear is so durable that you would hand it down to the next generation(s). It is also very protective in the cold climates, making it a great purchase for three of the seasons of the year.

    The knitwear is very distinctive in its design. Legend has it that each family used to create their own designed garment and when a fisherman drowned, his family would be able to recognise him by the design on his sweater.

    If you would like to see some of the beautiful Aran designs click the following link:-
    Beautiful Aran Knitwear