Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Kiss!!

Have you heard of 'The Gift of the Gab'?

Irish people have been known to be able to communicate with people of all class due to their inherent eloquence. If you would like to be able to enjoy this gift, there is a way! All you have to do is visit Blarney Castle, locate the Blarney Stone and kiss it. That’s all!

However, in order to kiss it, you have to lean backwards and at the same time hold onto an iron railing, from the parapet walk.

There are many theories of how the stone came to be. One of these stories is that it was mentioned in the Bible as 'Jacob's Pillow' and was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah the Prophet, either way, tradition has it that once kissed the stone bestows the gift of eloquence.

So it is well worth a visit to the Blarney Castle for a kiss! Don't you think?

If you have kissed the Blarney Stone, please leave a comment and share it with us.

Ireland - Callan

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