Friday, March 03, 2006

Details of my eBook

"How to Create Your Own Internation Fashion Business, even from your kitchen table."

It's getting nearer the time when my eBook will be ready to 'live'. If you'd like a Free Report on Fashion
contact me now

In my Book, you will find:
  • 27 niche fashion areas you could specialise in.
      You'll be given information on 27 niches you work in. There will be some you may never have considered but with all the details I have given, it may direct you to specialise in one of these niches.

  • 15 places you can find customers.
      You'll find information on the benefits and pitfalls of selling to 15 different places, most of which I have used.

  • 18 sections on dealing with the production.
      From protecting your designs to employing people, you will find all the information available within the pages of the eBook.

  • Advertising your fashion business.
      You'll find places you probably had not even thought of as well as information of how to go about getting free advertising!

  • The legal requirements.
      How to protect your business so that it grows successfully into a worldwide fashion business.

    That is just a tiny part of what is in the eBook. It will be a great help to anyone dreaming of owning their own business. I should know, because I lived my dream and now have put all the details into an easy to read eBook for you.

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