Sunday, March 26, 2006

Fantastic learning curve!

Almost there!!

The Free Report on Fashion
will be ready within days.

Email for a free copy

My ebook should be ready sometime in April (2006!)

I have been working like a trojan for months now and at long last, am beginning to see the end of it. However, or should I say 'but', it has been the most mammoth task I have taken upon myself for years.

Writing the book was the easy part because it's all from my own experiences. Putting everything in place with regard to all the 'techie' stuff has been a nightmare!! Do you realise how many processes you have to go into to put something online?

It has been almost a year, and probably will be, by the time I get the book 'live'. That's a year of complete social neglect. Every free hour has been spent finding my way around all the various processes.

One of the benefits has been that I have learned an enormous amount. It has been a fantastic opportunity and I have loved every minutes (well almost every!) of it. Perhaps that will be my next book - who knows!!

Ireland Callan Fashion Design

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