Monday, January 16, 2006

My Designs Inspired by "The Book of Kells"

History of my "Book of Kells" Designs
I created my Celtic theme designs approximately 20 years ago when I received a St Patrick’s Day card from my family in Ireland.

Have a look now, if you like!

At the time, I was living in London with my own family and had just started my business, designing knitwear. Even though people admired my samples, I felt there was something missing.

Then the postcard arrived. On the front of the card was an old sword with Celtic designs depicted on it. As soon as I saw the card, I knew immediately that those designs were what I had been looking for.

The strange thing is, I had had a dream a few days before which I could not understand and found it disturbing. In the dream someone had thrown me a gift of a potato! Then another, and finally a third potato! (Seriously!)

Putting the card and the dream together, I realised that the potatoes represented my roots and the fact that there were definitely three – represented the Trinity, to me. Therefore, the St Patrick’s Day card was also relevant to my dream with its Celtic designs.

I went on to create designs using this theme. Some days everything went brilliantly. The colours blending just as I had imagined. I was really thrilled and the adrenaline was scoring high. But other days, it was a nightmare. Mixing and matching yarns but never quite finding the correct blends of colours in the yarns.

Knitting sample after sample, pieces of yarns across the floor and feelings of complete frustration.

However, I did not give up and eventually I got it right. Right enough to command loads of orders, which were delivered to several countries around the world.

People still buy them, because they have a history and because they are classic. My next step is to create more designs inspired by "The Book of Kells". Watch this space!

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