Thursday, July 27, 2006

Waterford Crystal from Ireland

The light glistens through the crystal like rays of diamonds as you caress it in your hands. Pinging your finger gently against the side of the crystal encompasses a feeling of sheer luxury. Oh! To own the whole set of the new beautiful Waterford Crystal design.

It’s the Waterford ® Dolmen Suite
A new suite, sublimely Irish, rich in ancestry, commemorates the massive rocks that mark the graves of ancient Celtic ancestors.

What a wonderful description of this new design.

Following is a brief history about Waterford Crystal …

Waterford Crystal is a trademark brand of crystal glassware produced in Waterford, Ireland, by the company Waterford Wedgwood plc. A crystal business was originally founded in the city in 1793 by George and William Penrose, it produced extremely fine crystal that became world-renowned.

However, their company later closed, reportedly due to excessive taxation of the product. In 1947, Czech immigrant Charles Bacik established a glass works in the city, due to the superb reputation of the original glassware. Aided by fellow countryman and designer Miroslav Havel, the company started operations in a depressed Ireland, by the early 1950's it had been taken over by Irish management.

In May 2005, Waterford Wedgwood announced the closure of its factory in Dungarvan in order to base all operations in the main factory in Kilbarry, Waterford City, where 1,000 people are employed by the company. The move resulted in nearly 500 Dungarvan workers losing their jobs. The Kilbarry operation features a tourist centre offering guided tours of the factory, a gift shop, cafe, and gallery.

If ever you go to Ireland, you must visit the home of the Beautiful Irish Crystal in Waterford - in the meantime, have a look at the catalogue at the range.

Ireland - Callan

Saturday, July 15, 2006

People from Ireland are Moving to Spain

Click here to see a Beautiful Spanish Villa!
Thousands of people are moving to Spain and you can't blame them because it is a fantastic country where the sun always seems to be shining down on the beautiful mountains and the glorious blue sea.

The Spanish people are very friendly and the Spanish food is just out of this world with wonderful tapas, fresh fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, which line the roads.
The colour of the oranges, lemons and limes are a picture to behold as you drive from the airport into the various regions of Spain.

I wish they would make these Beautiful Spanish Villas in Ireland!If you are looking for a property in Spain, have a look at this site. It has fantastic views and is build to a very high specification.

Bye for now – Enjoy.
Ireland - Callan

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Bono - U2 and his video

Bono, of Ireland's band U2, has posted a question on on the internet - Yahoo Answers.

What can we do to make poverty history?

Bono stated words to the effect that because of people like us, the world’s richest countries leaders had a meeting in July 2005 and made several notable promises to help end the needless killing of 9,000 people a day in Africa, entirely because of extreme poverty. The fact that an entire continent and, most of all, the lives of millions of people are in jeopardy through this needless situation, we have to give our support.

Why not go to Bono's video watch it and leave a comment on your views.

Millions may die just because of poverty - is that fair?

Ireland - Callan

Friday, July 07, 2006

Aer Lingus Moving Toward Public Float.

Ireland’s national airline, Aer Lingus is being considered by the Irish government for flotation. The Irish Transport Minister, Martin Cullen believes that, in order that the government can block any potential foreign takeover in the future, that Ireland should retain more over 20% of the shares.

In the Dail, Ireland’s parliament, a debate is taking place with regard to the exact number of shares to be offered to the Irish and United Kingdom exchanges.

I, for one, hope Martin Cullen’s points are given serious consideration. How ridiculous it would be for Ireland’s national airline to be taken over by another country. Would it happen to British Airways?

What is your view?

Ireland - Callan

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Kiss!!

Have you heard of 'The Gift of the Gab'?

Irish people have been known to be able to communicate with people of all class due to their inherent eloquence. If you would like to be able to enjoy this gift, there is a way! All you have to do is visit Blarney Castle, locate the Blarney Stone and kiss it. That’s all!

However, in order to kiss it, you have to lean backwards and at the same time hold onto an iron railing, from the parapet walk.

There are many theories of how the stone came to be. One of these stories is that it was mentioned in the Bible as 'Jacob's Pillow' and was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah the Prophet, either way, tradition has it that once kissed the stone bestows the gift of eloquence.

So it is well worth a visit to the Blarney Castle for a kiss! Don't you think?

If you have kissed the Blarney Stone, please leave a comment and share it with us.

Ireland - Callan

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Holidaying in Ireland

With this fabulous weather we are having here in the UK, it makes me wish I was back in Ireland. Back in Kells by the river with my father fishing, mother relaxing with her friends and all us children paddling with our fishing nets.

My greatest wish is to spend some time in Ireland, sitting quietly, catching the beauty and sketching my potential paintings. We all have a dream to fulfil, don't you think?

If your dream is connected with Ireland, why not share it with us and leave a comment.

Bye for now
